Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Pop that cherry!!!

OK, here goes. I enter the wide world of blogging. I suspect that most of what I'll post here will be concerned with music. Other than that, I'm sure some political rambling will come through as well. I guess I'm a liberal democrat, though I always thought I was pretty much in the center politically. It's just that the right has gone so far right, that the center now seems left.

Both sides can seem wrong, it's just that one side seems much more wrong to me than the other lately. It's not even simply ideological differences anymore - things like "isolationist vs. interventionist", or "small gov't vs. big gov't". Actually, I'm not sure which of those positions are on which side, these days. What I used to think of as conservative, I no longer recognize. And the Democrats had moved pretty far to the center under Clinton, so that what passes for the left nowadays is anything this side of total fascism.

I basically don't like the Neo-Cons running our Democracy to the ground, and bringing about the end of the American Democratic experiment, and the start of the American Imperial experiment.

Enough for now. I'm not very well versed politically, or historically, though I do my best to do my homework. I'm not afraid to be proven wrong, and I adamantly refuse to cling to ANY idea. There might always be a better one somewhere. I am simply a concerned voice, and this is a great way to sort through my thoughts. I'm much more fun when I talk about music. I promise, the next post will be about music. Honest. Be gentle with me, this is my first time.



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