Thursday, December 28, 2006

The year that was: 2006

MSG cancels again, but the dinner goes on.
Rangers vs. Pens
Mixed TRiP
CSI Guitar Extravaganza
Summer of Suspenders
Rivington Project’s TRiP released!
Recorded The Cave
PA Jazz wedding
MUS 108 Fall 06
Vacation week with Jim Hall at the Vanguard
Finally went to the dentist after 20+ years (only 2 cavities)
Waldorf and Jazz Standard with Gags
Devils vs. Pens
Ice skating at Rockefeller Center under the tree
NYE gig – first one in 15 years?

Reading – Barthes, "Fiasco", lots of Zen late in the year.
Listening – Ornette, Trane, Monk, UFO's Monkey Puzzle.
Thinking – “Ornette and the Semiotic Breach”. (Now let’s see if I ever write it)

Far too many passings, far too soon. A friend's illness avoided. These leading to a fair amount of spiritual turmoil, hopefully leading to something better. Replaced alcohol with meditation and herbal tea - seems to agree with me.

Read this, or something like this, on a tea bag. “To learn – read. To understand – write. To master – teach.”

Happy New Year.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Devils 3, Pens 0, 12/26/06

Me, Keith and Jesse. Pics from Keith's camera. Yes, we were really that close. Directly behind the penatly box.