Tuesday, December 27, 2011

2011 in review

Well, the blog is clearly on life support. Don't have any interesting things to say, so I guess it's better I keep quiet. But figure I should do my annual souvenir to myself.

Exit 12 demo on New Year's Day!
Another gig with Gene
May 10, Rush @ MSG - Time Stand Still!
UFO at B.B. King's in May
Vinnie Moore @ Iridium w/Les Paul Trio in July
Pat Travers at B.B.'s in August

Cut way back on gigs to concentrate on recording, writing. So far, so good with that. Smooth Jazz CD is 'finished' - just needs mastering. Lots of new music written. Of course, the week I decide to cut back on gigs Jon Gordon and Sheryl Bailey BOTH offer to play with me. Committed to my new direction, I turned them both down, dummy that I am.

Farrell Band wins Nationals! Got to see them at Meadowlands. Awesomeness.

Summer vacation at the shore was fun. So much so, we had to go back a second time!

Listening - still lots of Prokofiev, Shostakovich (lots of ballet and film, in addition to symphony and chamber), Stravinsky, Bartok. Ravel's Tombeau de Couperin is a new ideal. Realized that a lot of the early parts of the year were spent with Bach (Brandenburg's), Haydn and Mozart. Good year for Yes (Fly From Here & live CD) and new Rush live CD has great playing, even if singing shows Geddy had a cold that night. A bunch of Les Paul.

Reading - lots of comic books. Science fiction - "Ender's Game" is great, "Hyperion" is awful. Lots of books on musical form.

Losses - Mr. G, Mr. L., Bob Brookmeyer.

New obsession - The Big Bang Theory TV show. So much geeky fun.

Next year? Hopefully I'll make some serious progress on my "orchestral" CD. Other than that? Health & happiness for all my loved ones. Just keep plugging along.